Car Accident Attorney Bakersfield, CA

A serious car accident has the potential to change the lives of everyone involved. If you sustain injuries from a car accident, you may not be able to work and provide for your family for a while. 

This can put a big strain on your finances. But at The Law Office of Craig E Johnson, we work with you to recover all your financial losses.

Not only is your first consultation free, but we work for our clients on a contingency-fee basis, which means we don’t charge any out-of-pocket expenses until we’ve reached a settlement or judgment in your case.

car accident attorney bakersfield
bakersfield truck accident attorney

We are a personal injury firm that represents injured people, not insurance companies or corporations. That has always been our focus, and we have years of experience fighting for fair and reasonable compensation for those who have been hurt in car accidents in Bakersfield

We know the law, and we have engaged in countless negotiations with insurance companies. We know every step in the process and every trick in the book that defense counsel and insurance companies deploy to keep damage awards to injured parties low. 

When you hire us, you’re hiring a firm that will be prepared to take your case to trial if the other side is not negotiating in good faith.